About the Island

St. Kitts is an island in the Caribbean that has a rough estimate of 51,000 people.  Although many Caribbean islands have been given the misconception that they are full of wealthy people, this could not be farther from the truth. The people of St. Kitts live on very little and rarely see the luxuries that many of us, ourselves included, take for granted.  Approximately 35-45% of the total population lives below the poverty line.  God has given the Grayson's and us a heart for the younger generation of St. Kitts.  The youth of St. Kitts have been influenced greatly by American pop-culture and Western media.  This has resulted in a rapid increase in gang violence, which aided their highest murder rate per capita in the world.  Most people in St. Kitts are very religious and attend church, however it is more of a social gathering for many as opposed to a time to grow in their relationships with Christ.  Many do not even know what it is to have a relationship with God, it has simply been a "religion" to them, a tradition of their families and their nation.  We desire to simply be amongst the people and to love and disciple them in Christ. We covet your prayers above all else as we begin this journey.  Pray for the hearts of all God's precious children on the island of St. Kitts!